What's going on at The Life Nomadic?
Happy New Year!!!
On another note, I have done some reflecting about the past year. Marsha and I have had an absolutely great year. We've travelled 3 continents, surfed in Mexico, visited no less than 3 world-heritage sites, visited ancient ruins, witnessed the beginning of a revolution and been to Antarctica - TWICE! I've skied in 2 countries, toured 13 (or so) western states with my kids and I've just done some amazing things. I am very grateful for the freedom that I have to be able to do all this stuff. Here's to another amazing year!
Destination Gulmarg
I'm calling it the Global ody-ski for world peace, it's a bit of self-aggrandizement surrounding my vacation plans. But, here's the plan: I will depart the ice sometime on or about 14 February and spend a couple of weeks kicking around in New Zealand. I need enough time there to process an Indian Visa. Marsha and I will be together for this leg of the journey. Our plans are pretty open but I want to give surfing another shot and want to tour around a bit with her. I'll leave on March 3rd for the U.S. I'll only be passing through the states very briefly. I'll make a quick stopover in Vegas to see a friend whom I haven't seen in years and am eager to catch up with. From there to Riverton, WY where I'll pick up my skis and my Suburban, drive to Jackson, see the boys and then drive to Denver from where I'll depart for Kashmir on March 8th. My trip will take me from Denver to D.C. to Munich to Delhi where I'll spend a night then on to Srinigar, the capital city of Kashmir. From there, it's land transportation to Gulmarg the site of a single gondola that has a vertical rise of 1330 metres (~4300 vert. feet!) that's a greater vertical rise than anything in North America! The gondola, in its 2nd year of full operations, only sees about 50 skiers/day. To say that I am excited about this trip is a bit understated. Currently, I have a hotel booked there for 2 weeks but my plane ticket is one-way and I have no obligations to be anywhere else. Ahhh...the benefits of being homeless. So, I'm not sure where I'll be going after Kashmir, but Chamonix (in France) is high on my list. Skiing in Transylvania has an appeal due to its low cost, or possibly St. Anton, Zermatt....the list goes on. I'll just follow the snow. When the skiing peters out, I plan on meeting Marsha somewhere in Europe to tour around a bit, especially eastern Europe. From there I plan on flying directly to Buenos Aires and on to Barlioche in Patagonia for some Austral-skiing before returning to work....either back to Antarctica or somewhere else. Anyhow, that's it. I would enjoy seeing you along the way.
Of course, this is all subject to change :)
Have a great day!
Couple of random notes...

Why come to Antarctica...?
What I'm trying to get at is that your success depends on my success and I am emotionally invested in your project before you even hit the ice. Do you think your transportation just happens? Do you think your gear just arrives? Do you think your meals magically appear? To do whatever it is that you came here to do, you need transportation, quarters, food, gear and various other stuff. We make it happen. Maybe you haven't noticed, but there isn't an auto parts store nearby. You probably have noticed that the equipment you are driving around in is used. During a great part of the austral summer, it doesn't seem too cold at McMurdo, but try holding onto a hunk of metal that is 30 degrees farenheit. Believe me, it's cold! Knowing that I have overcome adversity, knowing that I have had to make do without fills me with a sense of pride.
Yes, we envy you. We want to get out and experience Antarctica but please don't pity me for not spending my time here exclusively in a field camp. I take a great deal of pride knowing that I, in the face of great adversity, have contributed to the furtherance of human knowledge. Phrases like "I can't do that without parts" have been replaced by "I'll think of another way to do the job". Thanks to the kitchen staff, the housing staff, logistics, fuels, waste, IT, firehouse, cargo, ATO and all the other departments, without whom I couldn't do my job and without whom my entire experience in Antarctica might not be as rich.
May contain peanuts...
So....everyone who comes to Antarctica signs an offer letter that states their wages. It is also made very clear to anyone wanting to work here that they will be expected to work 54 hours per week. If you can't be happy working for that amount of pay and for those hours, then don't sign up - simple! Also, there was a question asked at today's "all hands meeting" about televisions and why there isn't a television in every dorm room. Seriously, did you come here to watch fucking tv?
I had a bit of an emotional meltdown a few weeks ago. Some tough questions came up, and in the end, I am a better person and know more about myself for confronting those questions. As a result of this I now know that, as I get closer to my 40th birthday, that my big aspiration in life is to be a ski bum. That's it, I'm not going to be the one to cure cancer or solve world hunger or promote world peace. I simply want to ski.
O.K. enough of my drivel. Have a good one!
Pointless Babbling
Last Saturday I was privileged to attend the annual 70's disco themed party. Marsha commented that it was strange that this is part of our lifestyle. She's right, along with world travel and eating dinner amongst some of the best and brightest that the world has to offer, we go to parties where people put on some sort of wig and dance to awful music. Disco music is something that most of us tried to forget, why are we memoralizing it here? Why not a 70's Lynrd Skynrd party or something? I've also come to accept the fact that guys here, especially those who work at the fire department, love to dress up in drag. Didn't Salman Rushdie or someone say that in a society that hasn't got enough females that the males will assume the role? I dunno...I find it disturbing yet humorous. Here are a couple of pics. A big thanks to Sylvestre Guidi for immortalizing these precious moments.

Lip service is still being paid to safety here. We've all worked places where that happens, but here's how it works here. In the coffee house, there's a space where they show movies from time to time. Last season this space was lit with Christmas lights. They're just about perfect for when you want to go to the restroom without stepping all over the bodies strewn about. Well, this year they have been removed because they are a fire hazard. I now have to feel my way through a maze of sweaty rednecks (well...only on Dolly Parton marathon days) to get to the restroom because Cletus and Lerlean wrapped three tons of conductive material around a tree that nobody has bothered to water since Halloween and they done burnt up the trailer park one Christmas. Meanwhile, my employer is perfectly o.k. with taking someone with two or three year's worth of experience driving their mother's escort and putting them behind the wheel of a ten ton articulated cargo truck and driving up and down an icy 12% grade all day. I feel safer already.
I have a long-standing philosophy about picking up girls at the gym. I have always felt that women who go to the gym may very well be interested in being picked up but it ain't by any man who's there. However, my mind may have been changed. First, you have to consider what some of these girls wear. A baggy pair of shorts and T-shirt are adequate workout wear but when some girl wears a form fitting tight outfit it becomes difficult to not ogle. Lately, the girls who are lacking the form to have form-fitting clothing seem to be trying to compensate by veiling themselves in a cloud of toxic gas smelling perfume. I guess if my eyes are burning from this haze that emanates from you, I can't possibly be disgusted by your haggard looks. I can't help but wonder if we've received a plane load of Eau du Seahag.
Well, that's about all I have for now. I must excuse myself to go snort some powdered bleach to try to rid my nostrils of this stench.
Will goes blonde...

Fun at mealtime...
Current station policy holds all individuals responsible for their actions with regard to alcohol consumption. This includes those who consume too much alcohol and vomit in the common areas of living quarters. This has occurred on three separate occasions this past week in the second floor men's bathroom [both galley and lounge side] of Building 155. Regrettably, the persons responsible for these actions did not clean up after themselves.
Let me be clear, if you vomit inside of a building, you are responsible for cleaning up after yourself. In the dorm areas, on each floor there are buckets, mops, etc. in the janitor's closet. There is hot water from the sink and cleaning products available to help you with this task.
More importantly, each individual needs to assess their alcohol tolerance and learn to moderate their consumption accordingly. If you are going to consume alcohol, pay attention to factors such as rest, when you last ate, and if you are recovering from a cold or flu. These factors may reduce your body's ability to process the alcohol in your system. If you believe your consumption habits are out of control, their are resources on station to help you.
Please join me in promoting responsible alcohol use. If you make a poor decision, step forward and take responsibility for correcting that decision.
18,600 pounds of pure joy...

...Properly called a Nodwell. It's a 1982 model of a tracked vehicle manufactured my Canadian Foremost. I am to drive this calamitous contraption 60 miles across the Ross Ice Shelf from McMurdo Station to Black Island Antarctica. I'm a heavy equipment mechanic tasked with repairing the two generators at Black Island that are down. There are other problems with other systems on the station also. Six other people will be going on the traverse (any overland trip here is referred to as a traverse) with me. We are taking a total of four vehicles. Three of them being Pisten Bullys and the fourth being the aforementioned Nodwell. The Nodwell was brought into the United States Antarctic Program back in the days when each piece of equipment had a unique name. The Nodwell's name is T-Rex. Pisten Bully is a German made ski groomer type of vehicle. It's name is a reference to the French/Italian term “piste”. The Pisten Bully is a great vehicle for its intended purpose but that purpose wasn't to transport scientists and equipment across Antarctica. Despite the snow and ice, this place isn't Squaw Valley.

A Pisten Bully
Black Island gets its name because it is mostly snow and ice free. The katabolic winds here are treacherous and Black Island bears the brunt of their force, scrubbing the island clean of any accumulated snow and ice. The plan was to leave on Monday at 7:15 AM. But high winds in the forecast caused a 24 hour delay to our trip. This worked in my favor as I have a great deal of tasking on my plate and really need to get it done. During the delay our manifest increased by three people as a film crew wishes to go along for the ride. On Tuesday I checked my email at 6:15 to see if we were a go. An email outage prevented anyone from being notified so everyone prepared for going. For my part, this involves starting T-Rex which is no small task considering there isn't indoor parking for vehicles. Think about how hard it is to start your car when it's cold outside and multiply that by ten. The temperatures are colder, the wind is fiercer and the equipment is older. I also had to load a few “do not freeze” items on T-Rex and gather my personal belongings for the trip. After the preparation I went to the dining facility for breakfast. It was there that I eventually found out that the traverse was postponed another 24 hours. I wondered how Shackleton, Scott and Amundsen were able to do what the did without the benefit of weather forecasters and email.
By Tuesday evening our manifest had grown by another person. This time a cook and friend of mine from former trips into the Antarctic hinterlands. It was a relief to know that I wouldn't have to rely on boil-in-the-bag type backpacker food. As the day went on, I realized that my luggage for the trip was getting heavier as I kept thinking of items that might be good to have along. As time would soon tell, this was a good thing.
Wednesday morning I received notice that the traverse was a go. I went to the shop, started T-Rex, loaded some last minute items then went to the galley to meet the rest of the traverse crew. We did some last minute planning, gathered the last of the gear that we would need and departed. I feel it necessary to mention at this point that T-Rex is somewhat of an underdog. The traverse leader commented that the machine probably wouldn't make it as far as “KOA” (a shelter about half way between McMurdo and Black Island). When we got to KOA we made a point of radioing back to McMurdo to let everyone know that we had, indeed, made it that far. Very soon after passing KOA we entered what is called the dead zone, so-called because there is no radio communication back to McMurdo from anywhere in the dead zone. It's really pretty ominous. If anything happens while you're there, you're on your own until somebody at McMurdo decides to do something about it. The trip through the dead zone is about an hour long and went by uneventfully. On the other side of it, we promptly checked back in with McMurdo. Soon after our scheduled radio check in, something went horribly awry with T-Rex. I felt something give and heard an atrocious noise from the undercarriage. I brought the machine to a stop and opened my door. Dave, my supervisor and passenger, asked me “What's wrong? Do you smell something hot?”
As I was looking down at the ice, I replied “That thing that I step on to get in and out is gone” The thing that I was referring to was the left side track. It had broken and was laying about 50 feet behind us. “What do we do now?” I thought to myself hopelessly.

Self Laying Track Vehicle Photo: Anthony "Antz" Powell
Dave and I were under great pressure to get this right. It didn't take long for the film crew to get set up and start filming.
The decision making process went into full swing with Dave and myself not wasting any time conferring about what to do or how to do it but rather fiercely attacking the problem at hand. I was able to back T-Rex up mostly straight onto its own track. We used one of the Pisten Bullys to pull the track sideways ever so slightly as I backed T-Rex up. Next, we had to get the other half of the track over top of the drive assembly. We put a few of the grousers over the drive sprocket and engaged the transmission of the machine and it pulled its own track over. That maneuver concluded the easy part. In order to complete the repairs, we would have to come up with material to mend the break and we would need to get enough slack in the track to bolt the two ends together. Fortunately for us, the break had happened in a previous patch. We could simply remove both halves of the patch and use the longer piece to go back in place and bolt less of it to the existing track. T-Rex has an air compressor and I was well equipped to deal with any situation. I got an air impact wrench and an air hose from my tool kit and spent a good bit of time unbolting six track grousers. That done, we only had to figure out how best to re-use the old section of track patch and get slack in the track. The track is tensioned by a cylinder packed with grease. Dave and I are both experienced mechanics. By experienced, I mean that we both know the consequences of removing a fitting that has grease under pressure behind it and neither of us was willing to take a face-full of frozen, pressurized grease. We also had no way of putting grease back in the cylinder once the pressure was off. It was getting late and dark and the decision was made for us to ride in the Pisten Bully back to camp, get some rest and come up with a plan to finish the repairs to T-Rex.
That night, I slept in the bunkhouse at Black Island. The bunkhouse is a building that I would come to know, like many before me, as “the night train”When the wind starts blowing the bunkhouse creaks and sways. The low rumbling and gentle rocking resemble the feeling and sound of being aboard a train. When the winds are calm, the night train is unbearably hot, especially in the top bunk that I was in. When the wind picks up to about 40 knots the temperature drops to comfortable when the wind is harder than that, the bottom bunks are, apparently, unbearably frigid.
After a night of insufficient sleep I woke to the howling of winds in excess of 40 knots. The short 50 yard walk to the main building was grueling. There was no chance of going out to complete the repairs on T-Rex in weather such as this so I opted to work on what I was here for, the generators. The first generator that I worked on proved to be a relatively easy fix. Engine vibration had shaken a wire loose on the starter and I was able to fix it by crimping the wire on tighter. The other generator is a victim of being near the end of the earth's longest logistical chain. Absent proper parts to repair things, equipment gets cobbled together by whatever means available to make them work. This is just a fact of life in Antarctica. Unfortunately when these types of repairs are made they make little, if any, sense to the next person to come along. After a series of such repairs it becomes impossible to make the equipment work like it's supposed to again. In the end, the second generator was not repaired and will have to be completed on another trip.
The next day I woke in a puddle of sweat. A calm night in the night train was indicative of calm winds. Dave and I spent a few hours cleaning snow out of Pisten Bullys and getting two of them started. We needed one to venture back to T-Rex and wanted a second one running in case something happened and we needed help. Due to all of this, we got a late start. We arrived at T-Rex at 12:30 PM and made a decision to return to camp no later than 4:30 so that we wouldn't have to try to find our way back in the dark. The road is marked by bamboo poles that are supposed to have flags on them, but the flags have all been violently ripped off by the high winds. Trying to navigate this route in the dark, under whiteout conditions would be extremely difficult as we would later find out. Soon after we arrived at T-Rex the wind picked up. Ambient temperatures were a brisk -22 F. Wind chills were off the chart. Dave commented “I have been this cold before, but never so quickly”.
We took frequent breaks and kept an eye on one another to avoid cold-weather injuries such as frostbite. The work was painfully slow. Fine motor skills become severely diminished when all one thinks about is how cold they are. Skills are further diminished by the necessity of wearing gloves. Touching frozen metal with bare hands in these temperatures instantly produces a sensation much like a burn. As 4:30 approached and then passed we hadn't accomplished much. By 5:30 we were close enough to having the track back together that it was extremely difficult to quit now, but in the interest of our survival we stopped and headed back to camp. The drive back took twice as long as normal due to the inferior visibility. By the time we returned to camp, our stress levels were elevated and a drink was in order.
Saturday proved to be another calm day. Temperatures were considerably warmer and the wind hadn't blown overnight. Pisten Bullys started with ease and didn't require any shoveling out. We arrived at T-Rex at 9:30 AM and had it back together by 11:00 AM. I drove it back towards camp and parked it about 20 minutes away to avoid driving the fragile track across the abrasive volcanic rock of Black Island. By the time we got back to camp, the wind was starting to pick up. Before this night was up, the winds would peak at 97mph. I slept on the floor of the main building that night as getting to the bunkhouse was impossible due to the high winds.
T-Rex was in need of fuel if we were to drive it home. By noon on Sunday the winds had subsided enough to facilitate taking some fuel to T-Rex. We made two trips with six 5-gallon cans. We filled the machine with fuel and pumped the tensioning cylinder up with grease. After the second trip we crossed our fingers and hoped for all to go well the next day so that we could return to McMurdo.
Monday morning was one of the most beautiful I have ever seen. The sky was displaying a magnificent array of colors that are only possible here. The air was silent, crisp and clean. The weather forecast was favorable so the decision was made for seven of us to return to McMurdo in two vehicles. T-Rex and a Pisten Bully. We departed at about 10 AM drove for an uneventful five hours back to McMurdo.
Every moment that I spent on the ice-shelf was pure misery. The constant drone of T-Rex's engine, the bitter cold, the stinging of ice crystals and volcanic pebbles hitting my face, my eyeballs freezing shut, every moment of it was agonizing and grueling. Sharing this with another person formed a bond that can't be formed anywhere else. This is why I am here. This is the Antarctica that I came here to experience. We completed the traverse without help from anyone. We proved to be completely self-sufficient under impossible circumstances. I was able to take great pride in the smallest of victories such as getting a bolt through a hole in T-Rex's track. Such accomplishments are taken for granted in normal circumstances but Antarctica is far from normal and accomplishments here are always grandiose.
Upon my return to McMurdo I took my first shower in six days and was welcomed back by my peers in much the same fashion that celebrities are welcomed. For the second time in less than a month I have returned to McMurdo and felt at home.
Oh..and sometimes just like in the movies, the underdog wins!
Snotsickle: A Self-Portrait
Trip to Black Island...the prep..
Anyhow, I'll report more on the trip as it progresses
seventh archival post
Hi All,
I've found myself once again in Antarctica. The feeling I had as I
got here was one I hadn't expected. The bonds I formed last year have
proven to have lasted during the off season. When I got here, I had
an overwhelming feeling of home. It only makes sense. Since last
February, the longest I've stayed in the same place was three weeks in
Mexico. Even there, I made the occasional side trip. So knowing that
I'll be staying put for six months is kind of nice. The connections
that I made here last year are akin to those that one makes in a
foxhole. Sharing the experience of a harsh continent with a small
group of people really cements a relationship.
Contrary to what some of you may believe, I had not fallen off the
face of the earth. Here's a summary of what I've been doing since
last February:
One week in Tasmania. Gorgeous contemporary small cities, pristine
beaches, stunningly beautiful world heritage rain forests.
One week on the mainland of Australia. Sydney, the Blue Mountains,
Uluru. Friendly people, dramatic coastlines, far too vast and diverse
to explore in a week.
About 30 days skiing and seeing the kids in Jackson Hole. Epic powder
days, party nights
Quick road trip to Whistler, B.C. Stayed a night in a Yurt, had a
wonderful time skiing with Cody and Kegan. Diagnosed with a salivary
gland infection which put a damper on my good times.
Back to Jackson Hole for a few days where I learned that competent
Canadian "Infection" translates into inept American "Cancer"...no
worries, the Canadian diagnoses was the proper one.
Three week surf vacation to Puerto Escondido in Oaxaca (pronounced
wah-ha-ca)Mexico. Monstrous, bone-crushing waves, friendly people,
squalor. Took a side trip to Oaxaca city, saw the amazing ruins of
Monte Alban. Saw the beginning of an uprising in Oaxaca city. Drank
some really good Mezcal. Took a side trip to San Cristobal de las
Casas in Chiapas, Mexico, home of the Zapatista uprising of 1994 and
still the base for an active post-modern revolution.
One month water park tour of 12 western states with Cody & Kegan.
One week of Boy Scout camp with Cody.
One week of school in Denver. It was for work and covered everything
I will need to know about the Cat 950G Series II loader
Three days of school in Reno, NV on the Pisten Bully. It's a ski
groomer type vehicle that we use in Antarctica to transport scientists
That takes me up to when I left again for Antarctica. The journey was
long and agonizing but the reward for dealing with that is that I am
once again in this beautiful and unique place. I intend on
chronicling the journey down in a later email. I am also working on
putting a blog together. I hate those things, but it might work well
for me as I can keep an archive of all the stuff I have written.
That's all I have time for right now. I'll write more later. I hope
this finds all of you doing well. I hope to hear from you all soon.
sixth archival post...The Boondoggle
Pearl Jam – Indifference
A boondoggle is defined locally as any trip off-station. Boondoggles
are highly coveted by the population at McMurdo. We're all here for a
chance to find the Antarctica that we came here to see.
McMurdo station is on Ross Island. It's not on the mainland of
Antarctica. When I was presented with the opportunity to go on a
boondoggle to a station located on the mainland, I jumped at it. My
destination was Marble Point, a remote outpost that provides
logistical support for research on the continent. The generator on
the station was down and my job was to get it running again. My
reward for my efforts was an experience so powerfully spiritual that I
fear my words won't do it justice.
I arrived by helicopter, was greeted by Crunch, the station manager
and briefed on the problems the generator was having. It turned out
to be a relatively simple, albeit time-consuming fix. Long story
short; Will said "Let there be light!" and there was light.
The next day I took full advantage of where I was. I went for a walk.
Shortly after breakfast, I loaded my pockets with various
calorie-laden foods that were available, grabbed a radio and embarked.
I had walked less than 15 minutes when I suddenly felt completely
alone. By alone, I mean it was easy to believe that I was the only
person in the entirety of the universe. The emptiness of Antarctica
enveloped me. I couldn't see, hear, feel, taste or smell any sign of
any living thing other than myself. This is the kind of emptiness and
loneliness that I had only envisioned in one of my favorite childhood
dreams. The only connection I had to the real world, the only thing
that made this experience real, was the song going through my head;
something by Green Day, "…I walk these lonely streets……I walk
The destination was Hogback Hill. I had scouted it out on the map. I
pride myself on my map reading and land navigation skills. One of the
things that I have always preached to Cody is to check the information
on the map to see what units of measurement are being used.
Case-in-point I read the hilltop to be 734 feet high, in reality, it
was 734 meters. I was humbled to think that I was that tired climbing
a 700-foot hill. On my ascent, I noticed that it was so quiet that I
could hear my own heartbeat. I heard it! It sounded like when you
listen to an unborn baby's heartbeat through a stethoscope. The only
sign of life was my own heartbeat. Lacking any outside validation,
the beat of my heart was the only proof I had that I was alive, that I
even existed in the otherworldly empty vastness that I was now
surrounded by.
I walked along the base of a glacier. The crunching of snow was like
thousands of microscopic caverns collapsing in a thunderous roar under
the weight of my boots. Like the report of a shotgun, the sounds of
the glacier cracking ripped through the flesh of silence. The
cacophony of dripping water sounded like a shower that the earth was
taking. Chaos theory started to make sense to me when I contemplated
the melting glacier before me. The ice towered above me for hundreds
of feet. The heat of the sun was randomly releasing molecules of
water that had been frozen for countless millennia. Some would
evaporate and blow northward to the ocean, others would refreeze only
to be locked again in ice for countless more millennia. I was there
to witness their re-emergence and their random dissemination.
Something senseless made sense. A landscape devoid of life caused me
to feel more alive than ever.
The hike ended eight hours after it had started. I arrived safely
back at the station. Tired, yet somehow refreshed. Self-aware and
ALIVE! Grateful for the chance to experience what I thought
Antarctica was.
Hi all! It's been a long time since any of you have heard from me.
Nothing much new has been going on aside from my weekend retreat
described above. I did get some new pictures up, mostly from my trip
to Marble Point. There are some of the landscape and some that bring
things to light that nobody probably ever thinks of (read the signs).
The pictures can be found at:
kudos to anyone who gets the reference in this picture
(UNLESS is spelled in rocks, in case you can't make it out-my rock
writing sucks almost as much as my handwriting). Something that I had
the privelige of seeing a presentation on tonight was the American
Women's Expedition. Four women set out to ski across the continent.
They abandoned their expedition upon reaching the South Pole, but it
was a remarkable story nonetheless. Here is the best info I could
find on it:
I was impressed. You should be too!
That's about all I have in my world. I hope all of you are doing well.
fifth archival post..Survivor: Antarctica
There are advantages to camping out in Antarctica. They are:
1) The outhouse doesn't stink.
2) There are no bears.
3) There are no rodents.
4) If you forget your insect repellent, no worries!
Other than that, I wouldn't recommend the experience unless you wish
to gain a new yardstick by which to measure future misery. The number
I have to quantify my own suffering is –43 degrees Fahrenheit. 10
other people and I spent the night out in that extreme of a
temperature without the benefit of external heat sources. We all made
it mostly unscathed. My experience caused me to abandon 4 of my 5
senses. The only thing one knows in these conditions is cold.
Nothing else matters. One must reach deep to find the fortitude with
which to simply ignore the pain and force oneself to do what must be
done to generate heat.
The training course started off, benignly enough, with classroom
discussion on cold weather injuries and their prevention/treatment,
then moved to the operation of cook-stoves and various shelters that
one may encounter on the frozen continent. We then went afield, were
dropped off with some tents and tools and built camp. By the time the
tents were up and the protective wall was built, the sun just began to
dip behind the ridge to our north. Then it was time for me to
discover what NASA has known for quite some time. O-rings have a
propensity to fail in extreme cold conditions. One of the cook-stoves
that my tent-mate and I were using sprang a leak, spraying pressurized
fuel directly into its own flame. Not being one to think of fire as
friendly, I was mildly annoyed by this. The problem was complicated
by not having an effective means to extinguish a fire. Water was
available, but thanks to Joseph Hazelwood of the Exxon Valdez, I know
what petroleum products do on water, so I thought better of trying to
build a scale model of Prince William Sound amidst the conflagration.
The next logical method would be to smother the fire, but at the
behest of the course instructors, I had only brought clothing of
modern synthetic fabrics. The mantra goes something like "Cotton
kills." In this case cotton sure would have been a lifesaver. Then I
noticed my wool socks lying in a heap on the floor. I tried my best
to put out the fire with them, but they just weren't big enough. At
about that time, I remembered that I had brought a wool blanket with
me. I pulled it out of the bag and did my best to wrap the flaming
stove up in it. I heard my tent-mate returning. Very calmly I asked
him to hold the door to the tent open. I explained that we had a
minor disaster and I needed to dispose of it before it became
unmanageable. Not knowing what to expect, he did as I requested only
to be rudely met by a ball of flame masquerading as a wool blanket.
His reaction was rather lewd but we succeeded in averting a
large-scale disaster.
The remainder of the night was mostly uneventful, albeit very cold.
As has become the norm when I camp out, my feet were cold all night,
preventing me from getting much sleep at all, but considering the
temperature, I did relatively well. My results were in-line with
those of my peers so I declared a victory on that front. The point of
the night out was to survive, not necessarily to be comfortable.
Getting out of my sleeping bag was the hardest thing that I did during
the entire ordeal. Going from being relatively warm to excruciatingly
painfully cold was very difficult. Forcing my feet into frozen,
rock-solid boots was pure torture. I spent about 30 minutes just
walking around to try to generate body heat. Eventually the activity
worked. We broke camp and returned to McMurdo in time for lunch. I
did suffer minor frostbite on the tip of my nose and the very tips of
two fingers on my right hand. The investment I made in physical
suffering will pay psychological dividends in knowing I can endure in
horribly adverse conditions. I am thankful for the newfound respect
that I have for the explorers of the heroic age who endured these
conditions for what must have seemed like forever.
My camera didn't work for very long in the cold. I did get a couple
of pictures. I'll get them up soon.
Have a great day everyone!
fourth archival posting...Antarctic Shenanigans
first, new pictures can be found at
there are some of the shop I work in, some of the wild equipement that
I work on and a few of our bowling party.
Over the past couple of weeks, not alot new has happened. The
recreational opportunities here prove to be widely varied and always
interesting. Last Wednesday there was an 'open mic night' at the
coffehouse (It's really a wine bar that serves coffee as an aside).
The event was definitely entertaining. Kyle sung songs about
hermaphrodites, gerbil in your butt, and a drunken friend groping him
inappropriately, basically, he made lyrical mincemeat from sacred
Last Thursday I saw the sun for the first time since I got here. We
have had daylight every day, but McMurdo is nestled behind some hills
so this was the first time I had actually seen the sun. The periods
of daylight are getting longer and longer. I'm becoming concerned how
my sleep will be effected once the sun is up 24 hours per day. Since
I got here, I have been sleeping better than I have in several years
and I attribute that mostly to the darkness.
Since it had been several years since I've worked as a mechanic, I
forgot how nice it is to hear phrases such as "Your nuts are in my
hand" from another male, and for that to be totally ok in the context
of being a mechanic. I'm starting to get used to taking all day to do
a task that would normally take about 20 minutes. For example, to go
air up a flat tire, one has to have an air compressor, but since it
has sat outside in the cold, it needs to be warmed up prior to
starting it. This involves starting a Herman Nelson heater. Now, of
course, the last person to use it left it out of fuel so you have to
go to the fuel pump to get fuel. So..you finally get the heater
started, it takes 15 minutes of heat on the air compressor to start
it. The heater gets left on because the flat tire also has to be
heated before it will take air. On a big piece of equipment this
process can take 30 minutes before you can even start pumping air into
it, during which time the unloader on the air compressor has frozen,
rendering it inoperable..and on it goes..thus, at the end of the day,
when you see the loader you worked all day on to get air in the tire
out working, you can actually go home with a sense of pride for taking
all day to do it, and that nagging feeling like you forgot
something..like putting fuel in the heater. Such is a day in the life
of an Antarctic mechanic.
It's time for me to go. I hope this finds all of you in good health.
I look forward to hearing from any of you who have time to send a
quick note.
third archival email
A few updates since my last email, just to let you all know what's
going on and to answer a few questions that I have gotten from some of
first, new photos can be found at
there are some aurora australias (southern lights), some of the
sunrise/sunset (there really is no differentiation between the two,
just a few hours of pink in the sky and then dark again) and some
other interesting stuff from my first few days here. 'Ivan' the
terrabus is what I rode in from the airfield to the station. I
thought it was pretty cool. The aircraft pictures are all of C-17
globemasters, which is what I had the privelige of riding on. Much
better than a C-141. There's also one of a firetruck outfitted with
'mattracks'. They don't work any better here than they did in
Yellowstone or other places, but....they still use them. Keeps
mechanics employed I 'spose.
due to the fact that I'm near the end of the longest logistical chain
in the world, and things don't grow to well here, fresh
fruits/vegetables/eggs are a rare treat. They come in on the plane
when it comes. I came during a period called WINFLY. It's a term,
borrowed from the military, which is a bastardization of winter fly
in. Basically I am part of a skeleton crew who is here to get things
ready for "main body" which happens in October. I didn't realize it,
but the last plane came in last friday and then left, basically
isolating me from the rest of the world. No mail, no way
out...nothing, except a few fresh greens that will be eaten soon, then
nothing until October.
Gear issue:
Extreme Cold Weather (ECW) gear was issued in Christchurch N.Z. on the
way down. There is lots of stuff available, but a visual of the basic
issue is here:
the first hallmark item is what we call "big red" Its a thick, heavy,
down jacket. the specifics can be found here for all my gear junkie
friends here
it is a pretty nice parka, very cozy.
also included in the issue are "mickey mouse" boots (standard G.I. ECW
boots), expedition weight poly-pro undergarments, Wigwam heavy wool
socks, polar fleece jacket, balaclava, stocking cap, a vast
assortment of gloves and mittens, goggles, sunglasses, insulated wind
pants, insulated carharrt bib overalls, carharrt jacket, julbo
I have moved to a different room so I don't have to share with the
Andrew the cross-dresser and his girlfriend.
The water in the toilet/sink/whatever doesn't spin any differently in
the southern hemisphere than in the northern. That was all just an
urban legend, and I'm pissed about it! The legend is based on the
coriolis effect..if you're bored and wanna read up on in it..here ya
There have been some scientific questions thrown my way, currently,
there are no science lectures being presented so I am unable to ask
questions, but they will start in October and I intend on going and
asking. I want to learn as much as I can while I'm here.
We run on New Zealand Standard Time, which is 18 hours ahead of
Mountain DST. Currently we only get a few hours of light each day but
soon it will be light all the time so time really isn't relevant.
No special shots were required to come here (except tetanus). There
isn't a problem with malaria, etc. No mosquitos to spread it I guess.
Day to day life is pretty 'normal'. My schedule just changed a bit, I
will be working five 11 hour days and then get 2 days off. I'm not
sure what I will do with myself for two days, but I guess I will
figure it out. The job itself isn't too unlike any other job, just
that it's in Antarctica. The commute is the worst of it. I walk 3
minutes, uphill, into the most brutal headwind you could possibly
imagine. Some days the wind chill has been -80 degrees. It's
painfully cold. I work both inside and outside. Outside work really
isn't that bad. Over the years people have engineered ways to keep
the misery to a minimum. Inside work is actually worse. Bringing a
frozen piece of equipment into the shop and then crawling under it to
fix it usually results in getting a shower of ice cold greasy water.
Food is still good. The kitchen does an amazing job given their
limited resources and the demands of institutional style cooking.
Well...that's about it for now. Keep those emails coming folks! It
gives me something to do.
Second archival posting
Alot of you have inquired as to how the deal with my roomate and
women's shoes turned out. Here's the scoop, the guy who the housing
department had paired me up with had moved his girlfriend into his
room with him without notifying the housing department, so when he
came home to find me moving in, he was quite shocked, but we had a
good laugh about it when I mentioned that I was concerned about who
might wear the shoes. He works in the shop with me, so his new
nickname is now 'Andrew the cross dresser'
Some of you weren't able to view the pics I sent, some apparently have
file size limits on your inbox, I won't be attaching any more pics in
emails, rather, they will be posted to a yahoo photo album. The two I
sent last time can be found at:
I'll let everyone know when new pics are posted.
So, most of what I've been doing so far has been safety type training.
The normal boring crap that one would expect. That and heaps of
paperwork. I have most of that behind me and had a mostly full day of
work today. I worked outside most of the day getting two pieces of
equipment started. It was a balmy -14 with a windchill of about
-40...not too bad by Antarctic standards, but pretty freakin'
miserable still. Getting something started in those conditions is
pretty tough. All of the shop service trucks are equipped with Herman
Nelson heaters (The military style forced air type), so you put the
heater hose in the engine compartment, put tarps around to hold the
heat and wait for everything to heat up enough to start...Not too
tough, it just takes along time to get anything done. My gear seems
to be decent enough at keeping me warm, no complaints there.
I live in the same building that has the dining hall and the beer
store, life is good! The aerobics gym is a short walk from where I
live, I've been getting there in the mornings.
The food is excellent. We've had things like salmon/spinach salad,
mediterranean cous-cous, pad thai, pork stir-fry, and many other good
meals. There's even an ice-cream machine of all things. The tool
room at the shop has thermoses, so if you have to go out, you can take
coffee or other hot items with you. All in all, I'm pretty happy so
If anything exciting happens, I'll make sure to send a mass email out.
Until then, Later all. I hope you're all staying warm!
1st archival post
I haven't met my roomate yet, but it would appear that there are
women's shoes in my room...? Did someone make a mistake or did I just
encounter good fortune? Do I live with a TV?
More later, I need a shower and rest...
Chronological Log of the month-long roadtrip
June 10 Cody rock-climbed w/boy scouts. Camped out @ Lizard Creek, GTNP, had s'mores! :)
June 11 Camped at Bridge Bay YNP. Attended the ranger program on the Nez Perce indians
June 12 Camped at Bridge Bay YNP. Went on a ranger-led hike at Indian Pond to Storm Point, attended ranger led program on the fires of 1988.
June 13 Went to Riverton via Cody. climbed rocks at a rest area along the way. Stayed at great grandma's house
June 14 Went to Sinks Canyon and fed the fish, visited Russell (cousin)
June 15 Drove to Colorado. Climbed rocks at Split Rock. Went to RMNP. Drove over trail ridge road. Camped out in RMNP. Got snowed on.
June 16 Panned for gold at Argo gold mine. Saw the dinosaur footprints at Morrison. Went to my dad's house.
June 17 Went to waterworld and Chuck E. Cheese's
June 18 Went to Casa Bonita for dinner, had homemade peanut butter pie for dinner
June 19 Barn Party with Brenn Hill headlining
June 20 Left Colorado. visited Capulin Volcano National Monument
June 21 Arrived Austin, TX. Met up w/Marsha. Went to the bat bridge at sunset and Cody and Marsha saw the bats while Kegan and I went to the restroom. Went to Toy Joy (awesome toy store)
June 22 Schlitterbahn!!
June 23 Barton Springs, panic mode @ whole foods, Book People and sunset from Mt. Bonnell.
June 24 San Antonio River Walk and The Alamo
June 25 Galveston Island. Kegan got to swim in the ocean for the very first time. Saw the historic district called "The Strand"
June 26 Went to Marsha's mom's house. Saw an alligator. Picked up Marsha's dog (Fergus). Started driving towards Wisconsin
June 27 Drove across Oklahoma. Thankfully it didn't take long. Stopped in Joplin, MO (along historic Route 66) saw the movie "Cars" which romanticized Route 66.
June 28 visited the St. Louis Arch. Arrived Wisconsin Dells.
June 29 Noah's Ark waterpark!!
June 30 House on the Rock, arrived @ Brian's house
July 1 Relax
July 2 Cave Point in Lake Michigan
July 3 Party!
July 4 BBQ with friends of Brians. Cody & Kegan went to fireworks
July 5 start home. stayed the night in Worthington, MN
July 6 Wall Drug. Started having fuel pump trouble with my truck. Spent the night in Wall, SD
July 7 Devil's Tower camped for the night in Red Lodge, MT
July 8 YNP. Firehole Canyon swimming hole was closed :( :( :( BASTARDS! Fuel pump broke for good *&%$^@@#!!! :(:(:( Towed the truck to West Yellowstone, MT
July 9 removed fuel pump from truck. no auto parts stores open (Sunday) rented a car. Drove to I.F. got a fuel pump there, took kids back to their mother's, drove back to West Yellowstone, replaced fuel pump.
July 10 Drove to Jackson. End of journey
finally got it figured out!
Tomorrow, or sometime, I will write up about the road trip I took with my kids...maybe first I should write a long introduction post about who I am and stuff...