What's going on at The Life Nomadic?


Rock 'n Pole!

In what will surely be yet another occasion of 59 wankers and me dressing up in silly costumes and will also probably involve ill placed bodily excrement of some kind, the mid winter celebration at The South Pole is fast approaching.

This Friday, June 20th, we will be marking the occasion of the (southern) winter solstice which also means only three months until sunrise and less than five months remaining until enjoying some much missed verdure.

We will be celebrating with what else - a meal that I'm sure I won't be able to shower with enough praise to do it justice. The second day of celebrations promises a concert of epic proportions. I haven't seen a list of the full line up yet, but at least one band that performed at Polestock will be performing for the mid winter concert and one debut guitar player will be showing us what he's learned since February when he first picked up a guitar.

One of the guys who makes electricity while I sleep, and is also wields a mean axe in the band ReTardis (among others?) is coordinating a live feed. You can get all the details at The Frozen Desert

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